I am pleased to have the opportunity to welcome everyone to the South Point Group of Institutions. In my view there are two ways to get to the top of an oak tree; catch that first limb and climb, or find a good, healthy acorn and sit on it. I have experienced that we’re all faced with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as “impossible situations”. We will regret if we fill our hours with the failures of yesterday, and worry over the problems of tomorrow, we have no time in which to be thankful for the laughter and the sunshine of today. The aim of the administration at South Point is to achieve excellence in teaching and learning and thus make it a premier institution of its kind in the shortest possible time. To achieve this goal, the administration of the college spares no effort to hire highly qualified and motivated human resources. So to get the maximum out of a child a parent or teacher must treat the child with dignity, they build the self-esteem of that child, and automatically increase the child’s performance, which generally improves the child's conduct. When combined, simplicity and dignity make a powerful combination. When we strive for dignity and use simplicity as a yardstick, we’ve just elevated our possibilities for accomplishment. Think about it and I’LL SEE YOU AT THE TOP!
Dr. Mamta Sachdeva